Gypsy song, dance, music group from Brooklyn, NY. Dancers, female singer, male singer/guitar player

Gypsy Spirit Brooklyn based live music, song and dance "Gypsy Spirit" group provided one hour show during birthday party on Saturday, January 7th, 2017 from 7 to 8pm at the Cafe Gallery, 2801 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235 (Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York).  The program of performance included following songs and dances: "Шатрица", "За дружеской беседою", "Эй, ямщик, гони-ка к Яру", "Мохнатый шмель", "Цыганская фантазия" (инструментальный номер), "Не будите", "Нанэ Цоха", "Две гитары", "Чардаш" (инструментальный номер), "Бирюзовые златы колечки", "Как цветок душистый" (цыганская величальная), "Только раз" (романс), "Пропил Мишка", "Что мне горе", "Gypsy Medley" (Попурри), "Сердце на снегу", "Мы на лодочке катались", "Очи чёрные" и "Дорогой длинною".  The company is available for hire in New York City, Long Island, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.

CONTACT INFORMATION / phone/text: 201-981-2497.


Gypsy song, dance, music group from Brooklyn, NY
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Gypsy song, dance, music group from Brooklyn, NY
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Gypsy song, dance, music group from Brooklyn, NY
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Gypsy song, dance, music group from Brooklyn, NY
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Gypsy song, dance, music group from Brooklyn, NY
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CONTACT INFORMATION / phone/text: 201-981-2497.

November 19, 2022. Birthday party in Brooklyn

Dancer Maija Rutkovskaia, dancer Olga Chpitalnaia, singer Natasha Stolichnaia, musician Elina Karokhina (domra), musician Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals) provided 45 min show during private party at the Chateau De Capitainе restaurant, 2570 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn, New York.

11-19-2022, gypsy band and dancers, Brooklyn, New York, Chateau De Capitaine, 2570 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn NY 11223, dancer Maija Rutkovskaia, dancer Olga Chpitalnaia, singer Natasha Stolichnaia, musician Elina Karokhina (domra), musician Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), цыганский хор Ляли Пшеничной, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, Наташа Столичная, Майя Рутковская, Ольга Шпитальная, суббота 19-ое ноября 2022-ого года, Saturday November 19 2022, Russian Gypsy Roma singers musicians dancers
November 19, 2022. Birthday party in Brooklyn

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November 13, 2022. Wedding on Long Island (Flowerfield, St. James, NY)

Six dancers provided 45 min show during wedding at the Flowerfield, 199 Mills Pond Road, St. James, NY 11780.

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June 16, 2022. Birthday party in Carbon County, Pennsylvania

Mikhail and Elina played for about an hour during birthday party in Carbon County, Pennsylvania on Saturday, June 16th, 2022. Performance took place at a brand new private house. About 25 adults and ten kids attended the event. Артисты поздравили именинницу, попели, поиграли, повеселили гостей, пофотографировались с виновницей торжества и её родителями.

Цыганский хор "Ай Нэнэ"АЙ НЭ-НЭ"Ай Нэнэ" Ляли Пшеничной, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, суббота 16-ого июня 2022-ого года, 06-16-2022, Saturday June 16th 2022, Gypsy Singers Musicians Pocono, Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), Palmerton, PA Pennsylvania
June 16th, 2022. Birthday party in Carbon County, Pennsylvania

June 12th, 2022. Birthday party at Ponte Vecchio restaurant, Bay Ridge area of Brooklyn, New York

Dancer Alisa Egorova, singer and musician Mikhail Smirnov, musicians Elina Karokhina and bizzare Gypsy Fortune Teller Costumer Character entertained guests during Russian birthday party at the Ponte Vecchio on Sunday, June 12th, 2022. Performance took place at the backyard of popular Italian restaurant in Bay Ridge area of Brooklyn, New York. About 25 guests attended the event. Артисты цыганского хора «АЙ НЭ-НЭ» Ляли Пшеничной поздравили именинника, попели любимые цыганские песни, поиграли цыганскую венгерку, повеселили гостей и пофотографировались с виновником торжества.

Цыганский хор "Ай Нэнэ"АЙ НЭ-НЭ"Ай Нэнэ" Ляли Пшеничной, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, Алиса Егорова, воскресенье 12-ого июня 2022-ого года, 06-12-2022, Sunday, June 12, 2022, Gypsy Musicians and Dsancers NYC, Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), Alisa Egorova, Ponte Vecchio, 8810 4th Ave, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York
June 12th, 2022. Birthday party in Ponte Vecchio, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York

June 11th, 2022. Birthday party in Morganville, New Jersey

Dancer Maija, singer Natasha, musicians Mikhail and Elina provided show during Birthday party in Morganville, New Jersey on Saturday, June 11th, 2022. Performance took place at the backyard of large private house. About 50 guests attended the event. Цыганский хор «АЙ НЭ-НЭ» Ляли Пшеничной из Бруклина в этот вечер был словно ЯРКИЙ ФЕЙЕРВЕРК! Артисты буквально взорвали вечеринку своим неожиданным появлением. Они подняли всем настроение на первой секунде, а цыганские песни и танцы зарядили задором так, что гостям было невозможно удержаться, и они бросились в пляс. Праздник получился незабываемо-ярким. Даже главная (но не единственная) именинница, которой, кстати, в тот день исполнилось 93 года, поднялась, чтобы потанцевать с родственниками и гостями.

Цыганское шоу в Нью-Джерси, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, Наташа Столичная, Майя Рутковская, суббота, 12-ое июня 2022-ого года, 06-12-2022, Saturday, June 12, 2022, Gypsy Band and Dancers NYC, Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Maija Tutkovskaya, Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), Natasha Stolichnaiya, Morganville, New Jersey
June 11th, 2022. Birthday party in Morganville, New Jersey

Saturday, June 5th, 2021. Gypsy Night at the Anyway Cafe in New York City

Russian Gypsy singer Natasha Stolichnaya and NYC Gypsy Band performed for 3 hours at the Anyway Cafe in New York City on Saturday, June 5th, 2021 (8 to 11pm). Cast of performers: Natasha Stolichnaya, Frida Anuarbek (keyboard, vocals), Elina Karokhina (balalaika virtuoso), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals, garmoshka). Repertoire: Russian Gypsy songs and music, popular Russian songs, classical music, international hit songs.

Цыганское шоу в Нью-Йорк Сити, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, Фрида Ануарбек, Наташа Столичная, Ист-Вилладж, Манхэттен, суббота, 5-ого июня 2021-ого года, 06-05-2021, Saturday, June 5, 2021, Gypsy Band NYC, Moscow Gypsy Army, Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Frida Anuarbek (keyboard, vocals), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), Russian Gypsy singer Natasha Stolichnaya, Anyway Cafe NYC, New York City, 34 E 2nd St, New York, New York
Saturday, June 5th, 2021, Anyway Cafe New York City

Concert at the Penn State University in Hazleton, Pennsylvania

Three musicians of Moscow Gypsy Army (Leonid Bruk, Elina Karokhina, and Mikhail Smirnov) performed one hour concert at the Penn State University in Hazleton, Pennsylvania (Slusser Bazyck Bldg, 76 University Drive, Hazleton, PA 18202) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011. Program of performance included songs and music of Russian Gypsies such as Long Road, Shatritsa, Dark Eyes, Vengerka, and other selections.

Moscow Gypsy Army, Penn State University Hazleton, Pennsylvania, Slusser Bazyck Bldg, 76 University Drive, Hazleton, PA 18202, Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Moscow Gypsy Army, Penn State University Hazleton, Pennsylvania, Slusser Bazyck Bldg, 76 University Drive, Hazleton, PA 18202, Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Birthday party in Brooklyn, New York on Saturday, September 12th, 2020

Two musicians (Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov) and dancer Alisa Egorova performed during Birthday party in Brooklyn, New York on September 12th, 2020. The presentation included songs, dances, and music (Shatritsa, Tsyganskaia Velichal'naia, Vykradu, Mokhnatyi Shmel', Kak Tsvetok Dushistyi, Dark Eyes, Two Guitars, and other selections).

Цыганское шоу Бруклин, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Алиса Егорова, Saturday, September 12th 2020
Gypsy show Brooklyn, New York, September 12, 2020

03-15-2020. 60th Birthday party at the Encore Restaurant in Brooklyn, New York

On March 15th, 2020 around 7pm dancers, singers, and musicians of New York based Russian Gypsy ensemble Moscow Gypsy Army provided one hour show during private 60th Birthday party in Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn. Exact address of the venue: Restaurant Encore, 10007 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11209. The party took place just a few days before the Covid-19 lockdown. It was one of the last parties before all crazy events occured. All guests and waiters were talking about upcoming lockdown, lack of masks, and related issues. Musicians and dancers did their best to take everybody's thoughts off the scary subjests. Performance was about 45 min long.

03-15-2020, March 15th, 2020, Brooklyn, New York City, New York based Russian Gypsy ensemble Moscow Gypsy Army, Restaurant Encore, 10007 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, New York  11209, Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Alisa Egorova, photo credit Nikolai Komissarov
03-15-2020, Moscow Gypsy Army, Restaurant Encore, Brooklyn, New York, photo credit Nikolai Komissarov

An evening of Gypsy songs and music at the Anyway Cafe in New York City

On Saturday, February 8th, 2020 Cafe Anyway in New York City hosted an event called "Manhattan Gypsy Nights". From 8pm to 12 midnight Vasily Yankovic, Elina Karokhina and Mikhail Smirnov performed an array of Gypsy Roma songs and music in colorfull East Village neighborhood of Manhatten. Exact address of the venue: Anyway Cafe NYC, 34 E 2nd St, New York, NY 10003.

New York City, NYC Gypsy Trio, Anyway Cafe, Vasily Yankovic, Elina Karokhina and Mikhail Smirnov
Anyway Cafe New York City, Vasily Yankovic, Elina Karokhina and Mikhail Smirnov

Sunday, June 5, 2022. 50th Wedding Anniversary in Alexandria, Virginia

Musicians, dancers and singers provided music and entertainment for six hours long 50th Wedding Anniversary event at one of the most desired, spacious, intimate, and unforgettable Potomac-Front wedding event venue in the National Capital Area. Cast of performers included Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Alisa Egorova (dancer), Elena Belova (singer), Leonid Bruk (contrabass balalaika), Yuriy Lemeshev (accordion), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals). 25 acres of gardens and woods overlooking the Potomac River. The party took place on Sunday, June 5th, 2022. Exact address of the venue: River Farm, 7931 E Boulevard Dr Alexandria Virginia 22308.

Цыганское шоу в Вирджинии, Элина Карохина, Михаил Смирнов, ИЕлена Белова, Леонид Брук, Юрий Лемешев, 50th Wedding Anniversary, воскресенье 5-ое июня 2022-ого года, 05-05-2022, Цыганский хор Ляли Пшеничной, Sunday June 5 2022, Gypsy Band and Dancers, Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, garmoshka, vocals), Elena Belova (singer), Leonid Bruk (contrabass balalaika), Yuriy Lemeshev (accordion), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals), Russian Gypsy dancer Alisa, River Farm, 7931 E Boulevard Dr Alexandria Virginia  22308
Sunday, June 5, 2022. 50th Wedding Anniversary at the Alexandria, Virginia


08-05-2012, Russian-Gypsy style party on the boat in New York City

Elina Karokhina, Mikhail Smirnov, Pasha Zhivago (bayan-accordion) and Alexandre Tseytlin performed during Russian-Gypsy style party on the boat in New York City on Sunday, August 5th, 2012 from 6 to 8pm.

Russian-Gypsy style party on the boat in New York City, 08-05-2012, Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals), Pavel Zhivago (bayan-accordion) and Alexandre Tseytlin (violin)
08-05-2012, Russian-Gypsy style party on the boat in New York City


12-16-2022, Gypsy Style Surprise Birthday Party at Mari Vanna in New York City

Elina Karokhina and Mikhail Smirnov made a surprise appearance during Sergey's 50th birthday celebration party at the Mari Vanna restaurant in New York City on Friday, December 16, 2022.

12-16-2022, Russian-Gypsy Style Surprise Birthday Party, restaurant Mari Vanna New York City, Elina Karokhina (balalaika), Mikhail Smirnov (guitar, vocals, garmoshka)
12-16-2022, Gypsy Style Surprise Birthday Party Mari Vanna New York City

CONTACT INFORMATION / phone/text: 201-981-2497.


Acoustic Gypsy Guitars Duo
  Gypsy Guitars Duo plays Gypsy Romani, Spanish-Flamenco, jazz, pop covers, lounge, Latin dance, club music, and performs Russian-Gypsy songs and dances. videos

  VIA ROMEN - traditional music and dance ensemble. Artistic Director Vadim Kolpakov

Vasily Romani Gypsy band New York
  Vasily Romani Gypsy Band - music and dance show from New York City, New York. Artistic director Vasily Yankovich

Gypsy Fun Trio
  Gypsy Fun Trio is available for all kind events and parties in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and other states. video

Gypsy dancer Anna
  Gypsy dancer Anna for private and corporate events and parties in New York City, NYC Tri-State area, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and other states. video

Moscow Gypsy Army
  Moscow Gypsy Army - Russian Gypsy Roma dance, music, song ensemble from New York City. The group offers extended program of Russian Roma dances, songs, music and dance. Show is available for hire locally or internationally as one powerful ensemble or in smaller groups. video

Timofeyev and Kolpakov
  Timofeyev and Kolpakov - 7-string guitar duo specializes in the traditional music, songs and dances of the Russian and Roma (Gypsy) tradition. They perform ancient Gypsy melodies, heartfelt lyrical romansy, accompanied by the Russian Gypsy 7-string guitar.

Nina and Isaac Danchenko
  Nina and Isaac Danchenko - famous violin duo from Brooklyn, New York

New York Gypsy Festival
  New York Gypsy Festival of dance and music presented by Zemfira.

Svetlana Yankovsky
  Svetlana Yankovskaya - Honored Performer of Russia, singer and dancer

Vasily Yankovich
  Vasily Yankovich from New York was named the best Roma (Gypsy) singer in the United States

Vadim Kolpakov
  Vadim Kolpakov - seven-string guitar player, singer and dancer.

Sergey Ryabtsev
  Sergey Ryabtsev - violin virtuoso from Brooklyn, New York

Gabriel Yakubov
  Gabriel Yakubov - Gypsy dancer from New York. video

  New York Gypsy Trio: guitar, violin, singer/dancer. Trio is available for hire in New York City, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, The Bronx, New Jersey, NY, CT and PA.

Russian Gypsy Guitar Violin Duo from New York
  Russian Gypsy Guitar Violin Duo from New York - singer and guitarist Sergei Pobedinski and virtuoso violinist Valeriy Zhmud.

  Valentina - Gypsy singer and dancer from New York. video

Gypsy fortune teller
  Gypsy fortune-teller - costumed character for hire in NY, NJ, PA, CT. video

Gypsy dancer
  Gypsy dancer - costumed character from NYC

Gypsy Nights show
  Irina's "Gypsy Nights" Show from Brooklyn, New York led by singer Irina is available for all kind of events in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and other states. video

CONTACT INFORMATION / phone/text: 201-981-2497.

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